
Signe: Paldies, ka Tu esi un PALDIES, ka palīdzi man sevi saprast un "salikt pa plauktiņiem"💗
(Translated: Thank you for being here and THANK YOU for helping me understand myself and 'organize everything neatly.' 💗)
Sanita: Kā saka, labs nāk ar gaidīšanu. Un visam vienmēr ir īstais brīdis - man tā bija iespēja tikt pie Tavām konsultācijām, Tev mana atsauksme. ☺️ Es šobrīd to rakstot, sapratu, ka ja uzreiz būtu devusi atsauksmi, tad nebūtu tas- tieši šis laiks, kas pagājis parādīja to ko ieguvu - to kā redzējums mainījies, kā mana enerģija mainījusies. 😁 Esmu sākusi skriet - tieši skriet man nekad nav paticis, bet pieteicos vienam kursam un mēneša laikā bez pūlēm un ar patiku tiku līdz pirmajiem 5km, prieks par sevi 🥳💪🏼 Ceturtdien un piektdien gan nolikos ar temperatūru, bet šodien jau jūtos labi, deguns aizlikts, bet sīkums - laikam vajadzēja apstāties 😂😂😂 Par tēmu runājot, joprojām neesmu mainījusi domas- nevēlos attiecības, bet tas skatījums ir savādāks. 🤷🏻‍♀️☺️ Cītīgi domāju par to pēdējo konsultāciju, domāju, ka varbūt derētu pieskarties emocionālajiem blokiem - interesanti, kas tur slēpjas. 🤷🏻‍♀️
(Translated: As they say, good things come to those who wait. And everything always has its right moment—this was my opportunity to have your consultations; here’s my feedback. ☺️ While writing this, I realized that if I had given feedback right away, it wouldn’t have been the same—this time that has passed has shown me what I’ve gained: how my perspective has changed and how my energy has shifted. 😁 I’ve started running—something I’ve never liked, but I signed up for a course and within a month, without effort and with pleasure, I reached my first 5 km. I’m so proud of myself! 🥳💪🏼 I did come down with a fever on Thursday and Friday, but today I’m feeling good—my nose is blocked, but that’s a small thing; I guess I needed to stop 😂😂😂. Speaking of relationships, I still haven’t changed my mind—I don’t want a relationship, but my perspective is different. 🤷🏻‍♀️☺️ I’ve been thinking diligently about that last consultation, and I think it might be worthwhile to touch on emotional blocks—it's interesting to see what might be hiding there. 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Sanita: Paldies par ceļojumu sevī, par uzdevumiem, kas liek iespringt un domāt! Paldies par uzslavām, kad darbs izdarīts! 💜🌼💜Paldies par to, ko dari, ka esi tik pārliecinoši zinošs un saprotošs! Un tavs smaids ir tā vērts, lai to sajustu pat caur telefonu vai redzētu kādā live Tik tokā.🫣😉 Vai noderēs izdarītais un apskatītais? Protams, viennozīmīgi!! Jo tik jaudīga iedziļināšanās sen nav bijusi un ir rezultāti!! Viss notiek!! Paldies, Guru, par kaifu un draivu!! 💜🙏🎁🎉💜
(Translated: Thank you for the journey within myself, for the tasks that make me focus and think! Thank you for the compliments when the work is done! 💜🌼💜 Thank you for what you do, for being so confidently knowledgeable and understanding! And your smile is definitely worth feeling even through the phone or seeing in a live TikTok. 🫣😉 Will what has been accomplished and explored be useful? Absolutely, without a doubt!! Because such powerful introspection hasn’t happened in a long time, and there are results!! Everything is happening!! Thank you, Guru, for the joy and drive!! 💜🙏🎁🎉💜)
Jolanta: Paldies tev Ivo!. Biju jauna darba meklējumos.Jutos iztukšota un nevarēju atrast darbu,kas man patīk. Sazinoties ar Ivo un sarunājot konsultāciju nosaucot savu dzimšanas dienas skaitļus un dzimšanas laiku. Saņēmu atbildes uz jautājumiem,kas ir mans dzīves ceļš un kādā virzienā meklēt savu darbu.Darbu atradu 3 nedēļu laikā.Pie šī visa esmu laimīga,ka atsāku nodarboties ar savu hobiju. Šobrīd uz daudziem dzīves procesiem skatos savādāk. Esmu pateicīga Ivo,ka motivēja,ieteica dažādas idejas .Privāta konsultācija!Tas ir labs lēmums ja esi cilvēks,kurš tiecas pilnveidot savu dzīvi.
(Translated: Thank you, Ivo! I was looking for a new job. I felt empty and couldn't find a job that I liked. After reaching out to Ivo and arranging a consultation by providing my birth date and time, I received answers to my questions about my life path and the direction in which to search for my job. I found a job within three weeks. I’m happy to say that I’ve also resumed pursuing my hobby. Right now, I see many life processes differently. I am grateful to Ivo for motivating me and suggesting various ideas. A private consultation! It’s a good decision if you are someone who strives to improve your life.)
Antra: Sirsnīgs paldies Tev, Ivo, par 3 brīnišķīgām nodarbībām, kuras bija aizraujoši interesantas.Dzīves laikā ir iegūtas dažādas zināšanās, bet tā kā Tu tās pasniedzi, bija, kā viss no jauna....Aizraujoši bija Tevī klausīties, nu tā, ja nebij ne mazākā vēlme kaut kur iespraukties, jo bija jātver, jātver, jātver..... Uzzināju vairāk par sevi, par attiecībām ar mammu, kas izraisīja dziļākas pārdomas.Rezultāts ir - esmu iecietīgāka, empatiskaaka. Pateicības - vai tās būtu tāpat ņēmusi un rakstījusi? Nu ne tak! Bija interesanti uzzināt par tēva un maates lidz doto pūralādi - blokiem un svarīgāko - ko darīt? Ar prieku pildiju mājas darbus, dalijos. Lai Tev, Ivo, arī turpmāk izdodas riktigi labi iedvesmot cilvēkus, lai tie no sirds spēj satikt sevi!
(Translated: heartfelt thank you, Ivo, for the three wonderful sessions that were incredibly interesting. Throughout life, I've gained various knowledge, but the way you presented it felt like it was all new again… It was exciting to listen to you; there was not even the slightest desire to interrupt, because it was about grasping, grasping, grasping... I learned more about myself, about my relationship with my mother, which sparked deeper reflections. The result is that I am more tolerant and empathetic. Gratitude—would I have just taken it and written it down? Of course not! It was interesting to learn about the father and mother-related blocks up to this point and, most importantly, what to do about them. I happily completed the homework and shared my experiences. I wish you, Ivo, continued success in inspiring people so they can truly meet themselves!)
Dace: Labrīt! Man dienas grafiks ļoti noslogots, bet...neskatoties uz to es visu paspēju. Nav vairs stress, ka kaut ko nepaspēšu. Mostos ar labu garastāvokli un ir mazinājies nogurums. Es mācos arī pateikt NĒ un atmetu daudz lieku darbu, ko kādreiz darīju...bet tie bija nevajadzīgi. Paldies, Ivo! Iespējams, ka tas arī saistīts, ka palīdzēja man noņemt vienu bloku!❤️
(Translated: Good morning! My daily schedule is very busy, but… despite that, I manage to get everything done. There’s no more stress about not being able to keep up. I wake up in a good mood, and my fatigue has lessened. I’m also learning to say NO and have let go of a lot of unnecessary work that I used to do… but it was unnecessary. Thank you, Ivo! Perhaps it’s also connected to the fact that you helped me remove one block! ❤️)
Arta: Paldies, ka ienāci manā dzīvē, lai cik liksakarīgi tas viss izvērtās man, bet esmu pateicīga, ka Tev arī sniedzu to, kas nepieciešams! Man kā vienmēr viss nāk “čupā”, es jau pieradusi un tieši tādos momentos es palieku vēl stiprāka! Man ir dēls, kurš ir mans motivātors un man ir mērķi, kamēr es viņus nesasniegšu es neastlābšu. Un kā vienmēr šādās situācijās izšķirojas cilvēki. (Vismaz man peiredze to norāda) Paldies Tev! Uz šo mmomentu Tu esi man kā svētība, ka visums mani neaizmirsa 😁 Par TikTok, jap, vajdzēs sākt Sevi rādīt pasaulei.
(Translated: Thank you for coming into my life, no matter how complicated everything turned out for me, I am grateful that I can also give you what you need! As always, everything comes in 'waves' for me; I’m used to it, and in those moments, I become even stronger! I have a son who is my motivator, and I have goals; I won’t relax until I achieve them. And as always, in such situations, people reveal themselves. (At least my experience suggests that.) Thank you! At this moment, you are like a blessing to me, reminding me that the universe hasn’t forgotten me 😁. About TikTok, yes, I need to start showing myself to the world.)
Daiga: Neliela atskaite😊 Paldies ka mani motivē un bīdi uz priekšu. Esmu ļoti pateicīga Tev!🤴🤩
(Translated: A small summary 😊 Thank you for motivating me and pushing me forward. I am very grateful to you! 🤴🤩)
Evita: Ieklausoties sevi manas pārdomas ir par sevi dzīvi kopumā, kā tā ir pagājusi... ko esmu sapratusi, ko iemācījusies... pārdomas,ko jaunu varu sākt darīt savādāk, kadinir personīgie mērķi... Patiesībā šis uzdevums tiešām nav viegls pēc manām domām, ka es to jūtu...man vajadzētu vairākas dienas vai pat ilgāk, lai padomātu un ieklausītos sevi, lai saprastu ko patiesībā jūtu un kāpēc es šādi jūtos... Jo piemēram...- Ja kāds jautātu ko es šobrīd jūtu: Es atbildētu, ka man ir auksti vai kā vēlos est 🫢...nu tas tā pa jokam ... tikai.mehinu pateikt, ka tā dziļāk sevi nav nemaz viegli ieskatīties un atklāties... un man personīgi ir grūtāk izprast pašai sevi. Vispār man šķiet, ka man vieglāk ir izprast vieglāk citus nekā sevi 🫢 Šodienas pārdomas bija par to, ka lielākā daļa dzīves ir paskrējusi tiešām, ne tik jegilni, ka es būtu velejusies to tagat. Ja man buru dota otrā iespēja ko labot noteikti to izmantotu, labotu to uz kvalitatīvāku dzīvi... Taču tagat...tagat atliek tikai strādāt ar atlikušo dzīvi, ar tagatni, lai atkal vēlāk nebūtu jāviļas par dzīvi, kad būšu jau piemēram savos 70 gados... par to ko esmu darījusi lietas labā....lai kā sirmgalve nebūtu īgna un nebubinatu un nedomātu, ka gan es esmu nodzivojusi savu dzīvi tik slikti... lai gan es varēju to baudīt... Vēl šodiena esmu pateicīga par nejaušību skrollojot "TikTok" uzjeot Ivo live video, kur notika viss tik nejauši un ātri... un nu esmu šeit šajā grupā ar forsiem cilvekiem un loti atsaucigu, patīkamu grupas administratoru❤‍🔥💫 Es tā lēnā garā varētu rakstīt daudz un daudz 🫢😃, jo domu ir man ir tik daudz brīžam, ka dzirksteles no brinumsvecites 🫢. Bet ja ieklausos sevi es jūtu kas ir tieši tas ko šobrīd visvairāk es vēlos un tas ir nepieciešams. Es vēlos paveikt iesākto, lai gan neskaitāmas reizes esmu gribejusi padoties... un ticēt saviem merktiecigajiem spēkiem... Atrast sevi un savu nodarbošanos viena no visaktualakajam tēmām... Arī dzīvot veselīgāk enerģiskāk un pozitīvāk! Un vēl pārdomu bridi pateikt paldies, paldies arī visumam par šo iespēju pateikt LIELU paldies, ka dzīve piespēlēja tādu cilvēku, ka Ivo un arī pārējās meitenes, kas arī ir ļoti sirsnīgas! 🦋🌷🙂 Ivo ir mans gadsimta atradums. Es jau pst nezinu,kā bez viņa vispār dzīvoju...🥰🙏❤️
(Translated: Listening to myself, my thoughts are about life in general—how it has passed, what I have understood, and what I have learned. I’m thinking about what new things I can start doing differently, what my personal goals are… In fact, this task is really not easy in my opinion, as I feel it. I would need several days or even longer to reflect and listen to myself, to understand what I really feel and why I feel this way. For example, if someone asked me what I’m feeling right now, I’d say that I’m cold or that I want to eat 🫢… just kidding... I just mean to say that it’s not easy to look deeper into yourself and open up. Personally, I find it harder to understand myself. I feel like it’s easier for me to understand others than to understand myself 🫢. Today's thoughts were about how most of my life has passed, not as meaningfully as I would like it to now. If I had a second chance to correct things, I would definitely use it to improve the quality of life. But now... now I just have to work with the life I have left, with the present, so that I won’t have regrets later when I’m, say, 70 years old, about what I’ve done with my life… so that I don’t end up as an old lady who’s grumpy and complains, thinking about how badly I’ve lived my life, even though I could have enjoyed it. Also, today I’m grateful for the randomness of scrolling through TikTok and stumbling upon Ivo’s live video, where everything happened so unexpectedly and quickly… and now here I am in this group with awesome people and a very responsive, pleasant group administrator ❤‍🔥💫. I could go on and on writing 🫢😃 because I have so many thoughts, sometimes they’re like sparks from a sparkler 🫢. But when I listen to myself, I feel what it is that I want and need the most right now. I want to finish what I’ve started, even though countless times I’ve wanted to give up, and to believe in my purposeful strengths. Finding myself and my occupation is one of the most pressing topics... I also want to live healthier, more energetically, and more positively! And in this moment of reflection, I want to say thank you, thank you to the universe for the opportunity to say a BIG thank you for life bringing me a person like Ivo, and also the other girls who are so kind and warm-hearted! 🦋🌷🙂 Ivo is my discovery of the century. I don’t even know how I lived without him… 🥰🙏❤️)
Inga: Tagad jau sāku just ka varu arī sākt cilvēkiem dot, ne tikai ņemt un piepildīties, bet vismaz kaut nedaudz sāku dalīties ar informāciju, ar pieredzi, vienkārši ar miera sajūtu un es redzu ka cilvēki man blakus arī paliek nedaudz mierīgāki un ar interesi klausās manī. Tā jau agrāk arī bija, bet tagad tā ir tāda dīvaina sajūta, es jūtos savādāk un domāju savādāk. Pie tā ir jāpierod un jāizjūt, tagad es sāku baudīt šo sajūtu. Biodanza liekas ka pielika kaut kādu pēdējo piepildīšanās punktu un liekas ka tā bija tā fiziskās enerģija izkustināšana. Šodien gribu vēl aiziet paskatīšos kā būs. Tev paldies, ka liki salikt visu informāciju pa plauktiņiem un uztaisīt smadzeņu ģenerālo tīrīšanu.🤝🤗
(Translated: Now I’m starting to feel like I can give to people as well, not just take and fill myself up, but at least I’m starting to share a bit of information, experience, simply a sense of peace. And I see that the people around me also become a little calmer and listen to me with interest. It was like that before too, but now it feels different; I feel different and think differently. I need to get used to and fully experience this, but now I’m starting to enjoy this feeling. Biodanza seems to have added that final point of fulfillment—it feels like it was about moving that physical energy. Today I want to go again and see how it will be. Thank you for helping to organize all the information neatly and do a general brain cleaning.🤝🤗)
Antra: PATEICIBA. Jau sarunas laikā es zināju, ka vēlēšos teikt pateicibas vardus, caur kuriem tādi kā es spētu vieglāk Tevi "atrast". Es sovakar jutos kā saņēmusi dāvanu. Ivo, Tava laukā ir arkartigi viegli atvērties un uzticēties. Es saņēmu vairāk kā cerēju, domāju. Tik strukturēti, reālistiski un vienlaikus iedvesmojosi. 🌟🌟
(Translated: GRATEFUL. During the conversation, I already knew I would want to say words of thanks through which people like me could more easily 'find' you. Tonight, I felt as though I had received a gift. Ivo, in your space, it’s incredibly easy to open up and trust. I received more than I hoped for, I believe. So structured, realistic, and at the same time, inspiring. 🌟🌟)
Sandra: Nu Ivo tagad lasi tu😁.Es braucot mašīnā klausījos tavas ierakstītās ziņas .Protams ar platu smaidu klausos ,ko tas Ivo ierakstījis,pie dažiem tematiem mans smaids pazuda un cītīgi klausījos.Un tad arī nobira pa kādai asarai,un par tām emocijām nu tu bliez.Un tā no smiekliem līdz asarām man novedi.Vienu brīdi sāka domās skanēt dziesma "Lasi manas domas skaļi".Milzīgs paldies Tev.Noteikti vēl 100reizes vēl noklausīšos par emocionālajiem blokiem,kamēr lai aiziet līdz dvēseles dziļumiem!
(Translated: Well, Ivo, now it's your turn to read😁. While driving, I was listening to your recorded messages. Of course, with a big smile, I was listening to what Ivo had recorded, but for some topics, my smile faded and I started listening more attentively. And then a tear or two fell, and about those emotions—wow, you hit hard. You took me from laughter to tears. At one point, the song 'Read My Thoughts Out Loud' started playing in my mind. A huge thank you to you. I will definitely listen to the part about emotional blocks 100 more times until it reaches the depths of my soul)
Antra: Lielisks darbs,kas mani uzmundrināja un sniedza skaidrību situācijā. Ivo, paldies par konkrētām norādēm manu talantu atklāšanā.Šobrīd atkal atsāku gleznot,ko biju pametusi pagultē😄Arī ieteikums par finanšu līdzekļu plūsmas uzskaiti ir ļoti Bulletproof grupā tu katru dienu uzdodot uzdevumus ,motivē man pašai rast atbildes.Šobrīd ,saņemot tavu konsultāciju zinu ,kas man paveicams, lai atrastu darbu kas atbilst man.
(Translated: A great job that lifted my spirits and gave clarity to the situation. Ivo, thank you for the specific guidance in discovering my talents. I've started painting again, something I had left under the bed 😄. The suggestion to keep track of financial flows is also very 'Bulletproof'. In the group, you motivate me every day by giving tasks, helping me find the answers on my own. Now, after receiving your consultation, I know what I need to do to find a job that suits me.s)
Kristiāna: ..Dažas lietas gan uzrunāja - nosmējos, ka tieši vakar ieskatījos darba kontā un tur sen nav bijusi tik maza summa.. Jo pēdējos mēnešos izdevumu sanācis vairāk kā ienākumu un šodien nācās palikt mājās un tas ir zaudējums. Un izdevumi būs vēl, jo jaunās mācības ir dārgas..
(Translated: Some things did resonate with me – I chuckled when I checked my bank account yesterday and noticed that there hasn't been such a small amount for a while. In the last few months, expenses have exceeded income, and today I had to stay home, which is a loss. And there will be more expenses because the new studies are costly.)
Raivis: Ļoti vērtīga informācija, kuru it kā jau zināju! Bet Tavs kurss un konsultācijas patiešām palīdzēja mainīt manu dzīvi! Paldies Tev!
(Translated: Very valuable information, which I seemingly already knew! But your course and consultations really helped to change my life! Thank you!)
Gleb: Благодарю тебя, Иво, за консультацию! Ты подсветил важные аспекты моей личности, с которыми мне нужно работать именно сейчас. Теперь мне стало яснее, в какую сторону следует идти на пути к самореализации. Появилась вера в себя. Мне очень понравилось, как ты относишься к своему делу. Видно, что это дело твоей души: глаза горят, а тело не может усидеть на месте😄
(Translated: Thank you, Ivo, for the consultation! You highlighted important aspects of my personality that I need to work on right now. Now it's clearer to me which direction to take on the path to self-realization. I have gained self-confidence. I really liked how you approach your work. It's evident that it's your passion: your eyes light up, and your body can't sit still 😄.)
Alyssa: Thank you so much. You are so accurate ❤
(Translated: Thank you so much. You are so accurate ❤)
Sannija: ..Tikko pārlasīju...par tevis rakstīto viss ir skaidrs un atbilst realitātei 👌🙂
(Translated: I just reread what you wrote about yourself... everything is clear and corresponds to reality.👌🙂)
me.clone: thanks a lot bro ❤
(Translated: thanks a lot bro ❤)
Anna: ..Spilgtāk atmiņā palicis par tiem cipariem,ka esmu vieninieks. Nu tur ļoti varu piekrist. Par pareizo vīrieša sievietes enerģijas mijiedarbību,kam es arī varu tikai piekrist.
(Translated: The most memorable part was about numbers and me as first number. Well, I can strongly agree with that. Also, the right interaction of masculine and feminine energies in a man and a woman, I can only agree with that as well.)
Sabrina: thank you :)
(Translated: thank you :))
Nikolaos: 😄😄💪😎 thanks
(Translated: 😄😄💪😎 thanks)